Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Do You, Too, Lose Your Notes?

I write notes. I get notes handed to me. I have piles of notes. And then inevitably I lose one. Or two. Because they are written on library scratch paper that too often is also used to write notes that you need just for a second that look like trash. Pieces of paper that flutter to the ground, only to be picked up and tossed in the recycling. I have often felt like I should just pin a note to my shirt should I receive one. Enter Padlet. is web-based free tool that lets you create pages and then fill them with little sticky notes - notes that can contain links, videos, documents - often showing you the contents with one easy glance regardless of the format. If you are looking for an easy way to contain your bits and pieces of important (and not-so-important) ideas this may be your life raft that will save you from the flotsam and jetsam of notes written of scrap paper that you can access from any internet-connected computer. Let me know if you try it - or if you have any other sites/or tools you like similar to this. :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Thing # 3

Google Goggles was neat - but I really didn't get to use it in the way I really want to - with landmarks and art. I'm looking forward to trying it on a trip to Washington DC this spring. :) The same goes for Wi-Fi Finder. That will be handy when I travel. Right now? Not so much. LOL

Internet Browsers: I am a big fan of having multiple browsers handy in case one quits working or doesn't display well with the content. But when it comes to preferences, I love Chrome. It's clean and seems to be the most compatible with up-to-date websites. I also use a lot of other Google tools and it's a good match.

Another app that others might find useful: SoundHound. Users can have it "listen" to a song on the radio or even hum the melody to identify it.