Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thing #35 Books 2.0

I really liked LitLover - lots of interesting suggestions and one of my co-workers who co-runs one of the bookclubs was happy that I shared the link.

Also...I liked the idea of Which Book but it really didn't seem to give me suggestions relevant to the books I have read. Perhaps as more people join and enter titles it will become "smarter."

BookStumper was a neat idea. Liked it. Who hasn't had that one request for a story where the details were so VAGUE but you just knew someone else would know what it was? Very cool.

A co-worker recently shared with me. Very handy as well. I like it for looking up series and to see when my favorite authors will next publish.

What I've observed about reading at my seems that there are more people who are rediscovering the joys of reading (that I've noticed). I've had conversations with people in the last two weeks who have said now that the kids are in school...or moved out...they have time again to read. I guess it is probably cyclical for some people but I can't imagine being without it. Myself, I enjoy the tactile qualities of a book and hate depending on technology (and batteries) to read so I don't imagine myself leaving books as a medium. However, I one of my co-workers swears by Kindle and how it has brought books more into her life because it is so accessible.

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