Monday, June 16, 2008

23). Summary

Holy cow, I made it! *Happy dance!*

This experience has helped me find tools beyond what I knew. One of the best ways it helped me was that I felt justified in seeing more of what's out there - our library director was very supportive of this program.

My favorite discovery...well, I guess it has to be GoodReads or LibraryThing. The social networks were great - I'd belonged to Yahoo! groups in the past for hobbies and interests and to see how slick so many of the social networks have become. Wow.

I'm still looking for others to network with. If anyone wants an ear for a program or wild idea you've got rolling around in your head I'm here. And, once I've got all my ducks in a row I'll be happy to be a resource for anyone else building a podcast at their library. I've been researching this for a while now and am actually into the doing part so I have a lot to share. :o)

I'd really love to see a website dedicated to the 23Things or a wiki that we can start to put information onto so that it has a touchstone that we can continually come back to.

I would definately participate in 24 Things Plus program.

And, if I had to describe my experience in one sentance...

"This has everything you have been wanting to know more about (or didn't know you should) when it comes to learning about technology in the workplace and library."

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